Thursday, March 3, 2011

Interview with Mr. Arun Kumar, Lecturer , Marine Biotechnology

Q1: In your experience what is your perceptions of Fisheries & Livestock Industry?

A-The fisheries industry in India is huge. With its vast coastline, India is the fourth-largest producer of fish in the world. This is mainly because nearly 10 million people residing in more than 4,000 coastal regions are engaged in fishery activity. These people are mainly dependent on fisheries to earn a living.

Q2: In your opinion what are the top three challenges which Industry needs to correct to catapulate itself into a global player?

A-Marine and coastal ecosystems are some of the most dynamic and complex systems. Furthermore, they encompass multiple-use land, adding to their complexity. These are also much larger ecosystems and are often contiguous. What’s more, our understanding of them is weak compared to other ecosystems. The second reason is  Living bio-resources found in the coastal zone are heavily exploited, and often the exploitation is unsustainable. The weak implementation of laws also adds upto its major challenges.

Q3: What are the experiences of Being in the Industry ?

A- I recommend studies to be conducted particularly for the trawling industry and purseseine, ringseine and shark fisheries, where local people have expressed an interest in diversification, socio-economic studies must be carried out. Community-based fisheries monitoring programmes must be encouraged .

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